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Tales From The College Program: Getting Fired. Part 2

Getting my job back: Since Rat Face had gone as high as possible to get me fired, I decided to do the same when trying to get my job back.   Ed Backlor was the VP of Downtown Disney at the time, I decided to email him.   A day later I received an email from Djuan Rivers (who I just discovered is a Disney big shot now ).   Ed was out of town and had forwarded my email to Djuan.   We arranged a time for him to call me the next day.   I was pretty nervous as a sat there staring at my phone waiting for him to call.   I didn’t know where the conversation would go.   Djuan was very friendly, he had read my email and asked me some more questions about the firing.   I left out the part about how everyone eating for free so I wouldn’t get anyone else fired.   He told me the typical “well, I know it’s not a lot of money, but if everyone gave away $3.25 worth of food, it would really hurt the company.”   He said I could reapply with Disney in ...
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Tales From The College Program: Getting Fired. Part 1

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Look What You Did You Little Jerk: The Macaulay Culkin Incident

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Honey, I Shrunk The Kids

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Tales from The College Program: 10 Years Later

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Back to the Twilight Zone: Part 2

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